
Thursday, 21 May 2015

May 20th - a busy day

Yesterday was a very busy day at Charlton.  Our Special Ed students went to their annual Track & Field event, we had a fire drill and a rooftop photo of the entire school population (the photographer was on the roof, not us!), and in the evening we had our Spring Fair.

Our Special ed students were extremely successful in their Track and Field events yesterday.  It was a sunny day, and not too hot...perfect weather for our athletes.  Here are two of our ribbon winners!
Our fire drill went off without a hitch!  We were able to evacuate the building in about 3 minutes, an improvement over our other drills this year.  If we ever have a fire, our kids know exactly what to do.

The rooftop photo is always a challenge.  Getting 300 students and 30 staff together for one photo went well, though.  The kids were very co-operative and our Kindergartens recited the longest "Chheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese" I have ever heard.  We will receive and post the photo in the coming weeks.

Our Spring Fair was a huge hit!!
Grade 7 and 8 students organized and ran the games, and worked with our School Council in order to sell food and distribute prizes.  We also had many ex-Charlton students visit, and some obtained volunteer hours by participating.  It's always good to see our ex-students and hear the successes they are having in Secondary School and beyond!
Oh, and did I mention that students had some fun?  Here is a shot of one of the pie eating contests.
 ...and finally, here's how you look (and feel) when you are the winner of that contest.
  Thanks to Mr. Kim, Ms. Rawji, Ms. Lai and School Council, Farco Entertainment and all the other people who made a special effort to make this a great experience for our families.