Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Charlton School Council-we want your participation!
Hello parents:
Charlton School Council meets for the first time this Thursday September 17th in the Library of the school at 7 pm.
School Council is an important way for parents to have input into the decisions made at the school, and to help Charlton reach one of it's goals - to create a community that will support and educate young people to be responsible and contributing members of society.
Studies have shown that when parents involve themselves in their children's school, those children feel more connected to the school and, as a result, are more successful in their studies.
Our School Council typically meets about 6-7 times a year from 7 pm to 8.30 pm. We organize events for the community, some with a fundraising purpose, others to simply build a better community in which to raise your children. We share information about the events occurring in the school, and discuss issues that are important to the Council members and the larger school community.
Please join us this Thursday.
If you would like to help with some events but are unable to attend the meetings, please let me know at ritchie.mcnaughton@yrdsb.ca.
We look forward to making this year at Charlton the best year yet!