
Monday, 19 October 2015

Charlton Healthy Snack Program

Our Healthy Snack Program is back!

Since mid-September, students have AGAIN been enjoying a daily healthy snack thanks to some committed and energetic parents here at Charlton. Different parents come in to the school weekly to cut up fruits and veggies, and to prepare the snack to be served to our students.
Our super-shopper-wonder-woman, Ms. Tsenebis, shops weekly for fresh food for our kids, and not only that, she finds the most amazing shopping deals I've ever heard of to supply our kids with LOTS of nutritious food.
To top it off, Ms. Tsenebis recruits her 3 boys to deliver the weeks supply of snacks to Charlton. They are pictured here below delivering this week's food...
Ask your son/daughter what he/she had for a healthy snack may be surprised to find that your daughter/son has eaten food in the healthy snack program they have not yet eaten at home!!