Our Remembrance Day Assembly was particularly well done this year, with performances by many of our youngest students, as well as songs sung by the entire school, and video viewing. Our MCs were members of our Leadership Team, one of whom is pictured below. They did a fabulous job.
Ms. Chan led the Intermediate band in Oh Canada to begin the assembly.
Our Gr. 1 class recited 'In Flanders Fields'.
Ms. Ptasznik led the school in 'Where have all the young boys gone?', by Pete Seeger.
And our Kindergartens were heard loud and clear in their song with Ms. Rozen on guitar.
We also enjoyed our Gr. 4-8s singing a new French song by Gregg LeRock.
Special thanks goes to Ms. Colangelo, Ms. Johnson, Ms. Rozen and Ms. Chan for organizing a wonderful assembly to remember those who served in war, many of whom made the ultimate sacrifice.